How to choose your abroad study plan & abroad study consultant

In every part of our lives, we are constantly seeking something new. People have evolved, and their perspectives have shifted. To add flavour to our lives, we search for the extra essence. People have become more ambitious, and we always strive for a career transition. We adore discovering new places and ways to live. The number of students going overseas for education and better employment is constantly rising as they thrive to add extra essence to their lives.

About abroad education

Studying abroad is becoming increasingly popular among students around the world, and there are many reasons for this trend. First and foremost, studying abroad gives students the chance to become fully immersed in a foreign culture, learn a foreign language, and acquire priceless global perspectives. They may benefit academically and professionally from this, which will give them an advantage in the global job market. Students can create new friendships, long-lasting connections, and a global network of contacts while studying abroad, which can be a life-changing experience. They may benefit from this in both their personal and professional lives, and it may also create new chances for them to travel and advance their careers. The opportunity to experience new things, go to new locations, and live in a different way can also be an adventure. Students' lives could be greatly enriched by this once-in-a-lifetime chance. Studying abroad is important for many reasons, including the opportunity to gain international experience, access top-notch academic programs, develop important skills, form lasting connections, and have an adventurous experience. Their horizons can be expanded, and they can gain crucial abilities like adaptation, international communication, and independence. Students studying abroad may have access to resources and programmes that they would not have in their home country.

Some of the top countries to study abroad are:

  •         United Kingdom
  •         Canada
  •         Australia
  •         US
  •         France
  •         Germany

Some of the top universities that people can choose from are:

  •         Harvard University
  •         Stanford University
  •         Oxford University
  •         Edinburgh University
  •         Cambridge University
  •         The University of Melbourne
  •         McGill University
  •         Australian National University

Opportunities in Canada

Among Indians, Canada has become a lifesaver in providing better education and job opportunities, as well as a low cost of living compared to other foreign countries. Because of the high level of education and cultural diversity it provides, Canada is one of the most frequently chosen nations by people from all over the world as their ideal location for education. Most international students are able to work while they are studying, either on or off campus. A student must be enrolled full-time at a post-secondary institution in order to be allowed to do this. If you work on campus, you can put in as many hours as you like each week. The ability to bring a spouse or common-law partner to Canada on a work permit is another advantage for overseas students who have one. The next benefit is called the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program, which is essentially a programme for international students to acquire their own work permits after graduating. Perhaps the most appealing benefit associated with studying in Canada is the opportunity to qualify for PR. For a young, creative student, the Canadian government makes the procedures easy and simple.

Opportunities in Europe

The diverse and rich continent of Europe provides both students and non-students with a wide choice of employment prospects. In December 2021, the EU's unemployment rate was 6.9%, down from 7.1% the year before, according to Eurostat. As the EU has steadily recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic, the job market has improved. Students can find a variety of part-time and seasonal work in the hospitality and tourism industries, such as servers, bartenders, and tour guides. These positions give students the chance to make money while receiving important work experience in their chosen fields. Moreover, internships and trainee programmes are typically offered for students in numerous businesses, giving them the chance to obtain hands-on experience and develop relationships with professionals in their chosen industry. For those who have come to Europe to work, the job market is varied and diverse. Some of the most in-demand fields include healthcare, IT, engineering, and finance. The demand for skilled workers in these areas is high, and many companies offer competitive salaries and benefits to attract the best talent. According to a report, the average salary in Europe is in and around €43,000 per year. It is crucial to remember that job chances differ by country and that each one has particular needs and rules for employment. Obtaining a work visa may present significant difficulties for non-EU nationals.

International countries offer a wealth of job opportunities for both students and non-students. With a strong economy and a diverse job market, there are many opportunities for those who are willing to work hard and have the skills and qualifications needed in their chosen field. It is important to research job opportunities and requirements before applying, and to seek guidance from professionals or career advisors when necessary.

About job opportunities, salary and PR in international countries 

Many considerations come into play when deciding to pursue further education and job opportunities abroad. The cost of living and education rank among the most crucial variables. Fortunately, there are a number of nations with low costs of living and education, as well as great employment prospects and welcoming immigration laws. One such nation is Germany, which is renowned for its top-notch academic institutions, affordable tuition, and fantastic research opportunities. Furthermore, the country offers a variety of job opportunities in industries such as engineering, healthcare, and technology, with annual salaries ranging from around €35,000 to €70,000. Canada is another nation that attracts foreign students and job seekers. The country is known for its high quality of life, excellent healthcare system, and affordable education. Canada also offers several job opportunities in fields like healthcare, engineering, and IT, with salaries that can range from around CAD 50,000 to CAD 100,000 per year. Normally, PR in Canada is easy to get for students because of Canadian government policies. New Zealand is another country that offers affordable education and living expenses. The country also offers several job opportunities in fields like healthcare, engineering, and tourism, with salaries that can range from around NZD 50,000 to NZD 100,000 per year.

In addition to providing employment prospects and inexpensive education, many nations also have welcoming immigration laws that make it simpler for international students and job seekers to secure PR. In general, these nations provide excellent chances for anyone seeking rewarding professional prospects as well as an affordable education and lifestyle.

Scholarships for abroad studies

It is now not a challenge to go abroad for various study purposes, especially for students. There are many scholarships and financial supports offered by international universities for international students to get a higher quality of education. Not only has the Indian government recognised Indian students' eagerness to gain better access to education, but it has also established some scholarships that can be beneficial to students, such as the National Overseas Scholarship Scheme by the Indian Government, Fulbright-Nehru Master's Fellowships, and many others. Famous universities also provide scholarships, such as the Sussex India Scholarships, the University of Oxford Felix Scholarships for Indian Students, the Cornell University Tata Scholarships, and many more.

Counselling for abroad studies

Counselling and taking part in counselling sessions will be a great way for students to know what they need to do with their lives. If they are interested in studying in another country, proper guidance from a qualified career counsellor can be extremely beneficial. Proper counselling is critical in assisting students in locating the best programmes and universities for them. Counselling can provide students with guidance and support to help them navigate the complex process of selecting a programme and a university. To begin, counselling can help students identify their interests, assets, and career goals. Students can narrow down their options and find the disciplines of study that are best suited for them by investigating these characteristics. Moreover, counselling can advise students about other universities and programmes. This section includes information on admission requirements, programme structure, available courses, campus life, and career options. Students can use this information to make informed choices about the courses they should take and the colleges they should apply to. Finally, counselling can help students prepare for the application process. This includes help with application essay writing, test preparation, and understanding the schedule and specifications for applications. Throughout the application process, counselling can offer students emotional support and inspiration. Counselling can assist students in controlling their anxiety and maintaining a positive attitude because applying to university can be a difficult and intimidating process. Appropriate counselling can aid students in discovering their passions, weighing their options, accessing information, getting ready for the application process, and receiving emotional support. This can improve their chances of locating the colleges and programmes that would help them reach their academic and career goals.

Plan your abroad education with the best consultants

It might be difficult to plan to study abroad, especially if you are not familiar with the procedure. It can be beneficial to seek the help of a study abroad consultant, as they can offer insightful counsel and support to make the process easier. Begin by researching reputable agencies or individual consultants who specialise in your desired destination and field of study. Read reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gain insight into their experience with the consultant. Schedule a consultation with the consultant to discuss your goals, concerns, and questions. A qualified consultant should be able to give a thorough rundown of the procedure, including information on housing alternatives, scholarships, and visa requirements. Also, they must be familiar with the local way of life, educational system, and labour market. Once you've decided on a consultant, engage with them to develop a thorough plan that covers budgets, application dates, and necessary paperwork. Throughout the process, regular communication with the consultant is essential to making sure you are on track and have all the information you need.  Choosing a reliable study abroad consultant, scheduling a consultation, and creating a comprehensive plan with regular communication can all contribute to a successful and stress-free study abroad experience.

Students who are undergoing the difficult and frequently overwhelming process of planning for their career can find consultants to be an incredibly helpful resource. Consultants provide students with a wealth of knowledge and expertise that may be used to help them recognise their talents, define their goals, and create a strategy for reaching those goals. Working with a consultant has many advantages, one of which is their ability to offer specialised advice catered to each student's particular circumstances. They can provide guidance on a variety of issues, including picking a degree or career path and locating internship or employment opportunities. Consultants can also provide support throughout the application process, offering guidance on resumes, cover letters, and interview techniques. They may also have connections to industry professionals and can help students network and build relationships with potential employers. Ultimately, consulting can provide students with the tools and resources they need to succeed while assisting them in making educated decisions about their future. A consultant may be a helpful mentor and advocate for their success, whether they are just starting out on their career path or looking to make a shift. DronaaEducon is one of India's best career consultants; they provide students with proper guidance in their abroad education and provide all the necessary details on education, scholarships, and everything a student needs to know and do before going abroad for education.

DronaaEducon – Best consultant for abroad education

Nishu Mahendra founded DronaaEducon Pvt. Ltd. in India, which is one of the best foreign consulting firms. The business specialises in study abroad solutions and provides these to students, teachers, and educational institutions. She also works at DronaaEducon as a counsellor and career consultant. Nishu has committed her life to advising students who want to pursue higher education abroad and helping them with their study abroad plans. She is also recognised on a global scale as a successful Indian businesswoman who has experience with admissions at numerous universities. Her innovative and personalised approach to counselling has helped students from diverse backgrounds achieve success in their academic pursuits. DronaaEducon has had great success in assisting students who want to pursue their higher education abroad. Counseling, exam preparation, admissions advice, and visa assistance are among the services offered by DronaaEducon. Because of its personalised approach to counselling and guidance, parents and students regard DronaaEducon as a reliable and trustworthy education consulting firm. The company has partnered with top universities and colleges across the globe to provide students with access to quality education and professional opportunities. DronaaEducon is a trusted study abroad consultant that offers comprehensive services to help students achieve their educational and career goals. With their expertise and personalised approach, they can guide students through every step of the process and ensure that they have the best possible experience abroad.


  1. I am looking to study on Canada. I want to know about the best universities for Masters. Can you share your mail

    1. Yes , we can assist you with university names ..we need to assess your profile .
      Please fill your information so that our counsellors can contact you with possible available options .

      or contact

  2. Are you providing Councelling for after 12th?

    1. Anonymous07 April

      yes , we can help you please contact contact
      +917303844776 or +918287444000

  3. Do you help to prepare CV

    1. Anonymous07 April

      No , we do not we can help you to study abroad as per your profile and budget

  4. Where is your office?

    1. Anonymous11 April

      Our head office is located in NOIDA . our Branch offices are in below cities along with remote presence in multiple cities .

      You can find more about us at

      can follow us

  5. Partha11 April

    Can you share the of countries that you helps to get admission?

  6. Anonymous11 April

    We have specialisation for UK, Canada & Europe
    for Medical admissions in CIS

  7. Nishant14 April

    I have called your number and someone named Saniya attended my call and told the process

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    1. Anonymous17 April

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