1. Describe about your Business and founders

I am currently managing and leading 2 start-ups namely “Magictym Digital India Pvt. Ltd.” and “DEP Dynamic Energy Plus Pvt. Ltd.” I along with a few of my friends started these endeavours but with time I had to take responsibility of managing and leading all these on my own. I do have a certain friend who always believed in me, who helped me grow and are still very supportive of me in whatever way possible. 
Magictym Digital is an IT company who deals in “Customized Web Development, Software Development and Digital Marketing” and also running a ecommerce store along with a job portal.


DEP is established to deal in Project Management Consultations of Civil & Solar Projects along with the EPC of the same. We are mainly serving the Central PSUs and Corporates.
Our clientele is ADANI Group, BPCL, INTERGLONBE AVIATION (INDIGO), NSIC, UMSL, HIKE Pvt. Ltd., VHNY, SMRL etc. to name a few.

2. What is the biggest challenge of being a CEO and how do you overcome it?

When I started straight after completing education, I had no prior experience of having worked with anyone or anywhere, I learnt everything from the scratch and though it feels amazing to be where I am right now but I had some tough moments to swallow as well. My biggest challenge was identifying the right people for the team. In India, everybody wants to do the job but nobody cares enough to grow their skills, we are a country not with too much unemployment but with too many unskilled youths who are lazy enough to hope for good only.

3. Where do you see the company in the next five years and how will you bring about the change?

We are a service sector company, recognized by the Govt. of India as one of the growing start-ups. Both the venture is expected to rise and scale up at higher volume. DEP is projected to have a turnover of 500+ CR and MAGICTYM DIGITAL plans to have an office in USA and AUSTRALIA within the next five years. 
Being in the service sector we do have a certain challenge with lots of competitors around us but we have fixed the route cause of scaling, one of the biggest challenges of a start-up is timely delivery of projects and we are thriving with efficiency and by virtue of which we are growing as a team and as a company.

4. Did you ever feel like giving up on being a CEO and what motivated you to pull this off?

Yes! It may sound disheartening but even now-then I get these punching calls of giving up. However, I am a proud man of my team, my people, my family and friends, they all have been with me in this journey they keep believing in me more than I believe in myself and that gives me strength to go on. I am man of logics and calculations, and I truly believe if we continue to be persistence with our path, we would be successful most often.

5. Describe your biggest achievement!

Each day I strive to be better as a person and as a Leader and each day kind of feel like an achievement. This is simply because when I started this journey about 5 years back, I had nothing except belief in myself and my will power to succeed, and since then I have carried this confidence within myself. However, leading a great and dedicated team and being the first entrepreneur/business person in my family is what I feel most proud of.

6. From where you get the idea for business?

The idea was very organic, it was inspired from the fact that I always wanted to be someone who was ready to be the provider. In pursuit of this, i realised that I have the ability to make it big. I will mention a short story here, my father used to work for the PSUs on and off, later started consulting Private sector, he is a Civil Engineer by profession with more than 28 years of experience. I used to watch him and used to help him in preparing Civil Projects Tender documents for various organisations and I found it very moving and fascinating. That’s when I decided to start a firm. However, I tried to enter into Govt. sector but could not qualified even after so many attempts, I guess destiny had something else in store, and this was a kind of kick I needed to jump onto the idea of entrepreneurship.

7. What was your aim to start the company?

A lot of start-ups failed to continue with the organic idea of why they started, but not us. I observed the deficiency in the quality of service provided by the Pvt. Sectors and ultimately, we are ones who still get impacted with it. Hence, the idea was not too unique, it was simple that we had to deliver the quality service with right attitude, and we are still continuing with this and it has kind of become our USP.

8. Tell us some of your failures

Evey business, every individual has failures or rather call it a learning experience. Even I had my share of failures or learning experience, getting the right people along and managing funds were the major issues. Being from the middle-class family and with no financial back up, it becomes an uphill task to even think of starting a business or investing your savings into something, that’s too risky to afford, more so, when you are not able to justify your efforts with results. I had qualified for the Airforce, but could not go past the SSB round. I tried my luck in defence; Airforce, Army, Coast Guard, perhaps I was not suited there.
But all my life I have lived with one principle that I always believed in myself and followed my gut. At one point of time, I started putting extra work of teaching children in the coaching centre to earn my expenses, and I have had my worse days as well.

9. What is the role of your family in your successful career?

My family has been very supportive, especially my mother, she has too much faith in me, and sometimes I feel that her faith drives me out of set-backs and I owe everything to her. My father has been onboard in my company from the last 2 years, so its safe to say he knows what I am doing(wink). For my sisters; I am like Batman, who make things happen for them.

10. What is your message to the young generations and to their parents?

The message is very simple, believe in yourself but never stop questioning. If we stop questioning our knowledge, we would stop our growth. Respect the values instilled by our family and the history of this land. Understand the difference between “Discussion and Debate”, between “Information and Knowledge”. Never run away from your responsibilities, “your happiness is your right but with right virtues only”.

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